Lunar Ties

Title: ‘Lunar Ties’
Medium: Cast Iron & Chain
Size: 33 x 11.5 x 5 cm
Date: 10/02/2009
(All work copyright of the artist)

‘Lunar Ties’ depicts the Moon and its links to the Earth.

Utilising the nature of cast Iron, the rusty circular form represents the orange moon that can be seen early at night. An orange Moon is caused by particles of dust and pollution in the Earth’s atmosphere, scattering light.

The chain is the connection to the Earth, with the movement of the tides being directly affected by the Moon’s gravitational pull.

The jawbone is a cast of that of a canine, which have links to wolves and obviously werewolves of folklore. The bone also stands for the life on Earth that relies on the Moon and all of its forces.

Above: 'Lunar Ties' (Detail photos)

(All work copyright of the artist)